Sunday, August 17, 2014


It is hard to explain how the Incredible Sulk is feeling at this point in time. There are probably words in the English dictionary that aptly capture the emotion...but I don't know them so I will subject you to a long-winded simile adapted from that 3 major motion picture book- The Lord Of The Rings.

I understand dear reader, that you probably chanced upon my blog completely by accident while you trawled the internet. That's entirely YOUR problem dear reader. You should refine your searches. Now that you're here, you WILL listen.

Picture if you will a Morgul Orc, working his way up the grimy crude wooden ladder that is Mordor. After years of toiling he's finally close to making Senior Assistant Scumbag, only to find that a small man with hairy feet named Elijah Wood has gone and dropped his ring in a mountain, rendering his years of toil utterly hopeless. 

Apart from red-hot anger towards small men, midgets and hairy feet, there is a sense of despair. That dear reader is how the Incredible Sulk feels. Except for the midgets and hairy feet part.

You see dear reader, the Incredible Sulk's sulking is largely due to the fact that Adele is just Neil Diamond with curves and that the world's grammar is quickly and surely disappearing down the shithole. And to prove my point, none of you buggers wondered whether shithole was one or two words.

All his life the Incredible Sulk learned the difference between a preposition and a proposition. And which would be appropriate where. It speaks volumes of the patience of the Incredible Sulk's Imaginary Girlfriend when the Incredible Sulk used a preposition instead of a proposition to prove his love for her.  

It unnerves the Incredible Sulk to see a 2 where to or too should be or the emoticon for a cow and poop for the word bullshit. Researchers at the (where else) Incredible Sulk's Incredibly Useless Research Department recently came out with a study that wasn't published anywhere. In that study dear reader, they believed they had found evidence that life had come full circle for humanity. From paintings on the wall and hieroglyphs in Egypt to actual words to emoticons or emojis. Decades from now when life from other planets land on Earth they will find polar bears standing on small floes of ice and semi colons and parentheses on communication devices and KNOW that they've found a lower life form. They will also find The Incredible Sulk's internet history which they should delete immediately. 
(No darling, those lingerie ads on the side are random)

You see, his whole life The Incredible Sulk has studied the works of Shakespeare and Deadmau5 intently. The former to improve The Incredible Sulk's English and the latter to look for signs of dyslexia, for the Incredible Sulk gets Taare Zameen Par vibes from the way he writes his name. Naturally Th3 Incredibl3 Su1k thought that studying the works of Shakespeare would automatically make him superior than everyone else. And that that would lead to better job prospects. That plan has gone to shit. Or as Generation Zzzzzz says...sh1t.

After killing Deadmau 1 to 4...

So now, like an out-of-work Morgul Orc, The Incredible Sulk must plod through this grammatically incorrect life. Probably stand by the side of the ride with a sign, "Will work for...THE BETTERMENT OF YOUR GRAMMAR! BOOYAH!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


The Incredible Sulk is a Gemini. He is the very symbol of duality for he is blessed with two hands, two eyes and ears and two unmentionables located below his waist.

Dirty guttery minds abound as The Incredible Sulk hears his reader say "The b*lls on this one..."But no dear reader (or more likely reader looking for another site with similar name), The Incredible Sulk speaks of his legs as unmentionables for his leg hair forms intricate patterns, that would drive Madame Tussad bonkers were she to try and replicate them on one of her waxed statues. Or wax statues for that matter.

Back to the matter at hand. The Incredible Sulk is a Gemini. Armed with this knowledge, you'd expect the Incredible Sulk to hit the tabloids with gusto, looking immediately for the horoscopes page where the soothsayers would predict that The Incredible Sulk's destiny today lies in brushing his teeth counter-clockwise.

But no dear reader! The Incredible Sulk detests these soothsayers, these fake fortune tellers!! Pray tell, harbingers of doom why thee wreck havoc on people's lives? Examples abound as to the wordplay of these fiendish fellows.

Aries. Known also by the name...Mutton.

Take for example the man who reads his horoscope "...allow the loving and caring side to be visible..." and finds his pants ripped of by an active escalator to reveal shaved legs. Or the man who never saw it coming when it said "...your two ruling planets collide today..." and his mother and wife got into a fistfight as to whose bread pakodas killed off Dadaji. Perhaps the man whose horoscope read "...your karmic cycle supports family matters..." never really thought he would have to transport half his bloodline on a cycle rickshaw because the car breaks down. Or the man who read the grammatically incorrect " may have to be patient today..." found himself on the surgical table because of appendicitis. 

But dear reader, the most evilest of the fortune tellers is that end-of-meal, bowel inducing, bum clenching thing called...The Fortune Cookie.

Now it isn't like The Incredible Sulk to quiver in the face of nonsensical-ness but imagine his disgust when after a rather satisfying buffet when he opens up his fortune cookie and it reads "...delay a major purchase, a better deal is coming...."  What is that supposed to mean?

Are you telling me dear fortune cookie that I shouldn't have eaten this meal (AFTER I've consumed it by the way) and instead gone to the neighbourhood seekh kebabwala? Or perhaps you speak of the pair of shoes I was about to buy online with coupon code GODADDY31. Will you please specify?

I know of a dear, very hypothetical friend whose fortune cookie read " unexpected relationship will become permanent..." The next thing this very hypothetical friend knows, he has gone and quick-glued his hand to his crotch. I see you sneer dear reader and then immediately grimace as you realise what relationship this said hypothetical friend shared with his crotch. I ask you to keep up dear reader. Do stop being a dumbass.

A Misfortune Cookie

The Incredible Sulk of course does not put much faith in these readings. He has his own fortune teller. The Incredible Sulk's Imaginary Girlfriend however is more of a teller than a fortune teller.

"Yes dear. I know you said argyle socks dear. They just happen to have gargoyles on them dear. No dear, I know you didn't mean gargoyle socks dear."