The windows were dirty. He liked the windows dirty. It helped him make sex jokes. If a pretty lady walked in he would say, " You like my dirty windows?" She wouldn't understand, but it was worth a try. Private detectives were endowed with humour the way Keira Knightely was generally endowed. Not much there. Not the way the woman walking into his office was endowed.
In a red strapless number with high heels that put the sex in sex appeal, she said, "Hmmm, your windows are dirty..."
His heart skipped a beat.
"I have a case for you to solve," she said.
"Oh I'll solve your case alright," he said, taking a suggestive step towards her.
She took a suggestive step back.
They did this little dance for awhile till they had done a full round of the room. Then after realising they weren't getting anywhere with this they got down to business.
"You know Lois?" she asked.
"Lois and me go way back. "
"How far back?"
"Real far back. When Nsync were all straight. That far back."
"Good so you know Lois," she said, wasting time, money, and electricity.
"In fact," he said, giving his i'm-about-to-make-a-sex-joke-sneer, "I've been down Lois' lane, if you know what I mean."
"Lois is a guy," she said.
He would sneer no more.
She could turn him on and off like that small red button on one of those cheap Chinese toys.
And he LIKED it.
"Lets get back on the case," she said.
"I'd like to get on yo...Oh. I already said that," he stuttered. She liked him like this. On his knees, metaphorically, that is.
"Anyway Lois stole something from me."
"And what exactly did Lois steal?," he asked picturing a mud wrestling match between these two girls, before realising Lois was a guy.
"She stole a pair of antique pantyhose, worn by Queen Something the five hundredth and Something. In the Invasion of No-Undy. It was a commando mission"
"Aah," he concluded, pretending to understand, but picturing something completely different.
"I need you to find it and place it back in the Underwear and Banyaan Hall of Fame," she cried, desperate for his help.